DataFlex 2023 Released

Dear all 

Below is information from Data Access regarding the release of DataFlex 2023.

We are incredibly pleased to inform you that DataFlex 2023 has been released and is available for download now! 

As a current DataFlex subscriber, you are entitled to receive the update to this version. The update requires a registration code, which you have received. Download DataFlex 2023 here

About DataFlex 2023 
DataFlex 2023 adds new possibilities for Windows and Web applications. FlexTron enables interchanging of technologies by seamlessly integrating Web UI with Windows apps. The Web Grid layout offers ultimate designer-freedom, and the SQLExecutor brings ease and performance to those that need it. Plus, numerous other new features and enhancements to boost app-performance, developer-productivity and end-user-satisfaction! 

Discover DataFlex 2023
See what DataFlex 2023 has to offer: 

Join our YouTube Livestream on July 6th, Discovering DataFlex 2023! 
See the new features on the What’s New in DataFlex 2023 page 
Watch Harm demonstrating new features in this DataFlex Learning Center Course 

Thank you for your continued use of our products! 

Best Regards, 
Team DataFlex 

DataFlex Newsletter June

Kære alle

DataFlex 23.0 er nu udgivet som “Release Candidate”, der kan downloades på linket længere nede i teksten. Med den kan man foretage en generalprøve på sine egne applikationer, da denne version forventeligt er identisk med den endelige version.

I tidligere nyhedsbreve har vi skrevet om nyhederne men for lige at genopfriske, har vi listet dem nedenfor: 

  • FlexTron
  • Embedded SQL API
  • Web Grid Layout
  • WebList Grouping
  • Aligned Multiline Strings

Følgende link er en detaljeret beskrivelse af de forskellige nyheder.

Der er gode og effektive forbedringer at mærke i udviklingsmiljøet, så tøv ikke med at få migreret din applikation til version 23.0. 

Version 23 kræver at nye licenskoder indtastes. Derfor sender vi nye koder ud så snart Data Access har frigivet den endelige release af DataFlex 2023.  

DataFlex Release Candidate kan downloades her og fungerer som en evaluering “evaluerings-licens”. Vi opfordrer til at downloade RC allerede nu og være med til final testing. 

SYNERGY 2023 – 21. & 22. September afholdes af Data Access North America Louisville i staten Kentucky, USA.  Registreringen er nu åben. Agenda og training information er begyndt at blive tilføjet, der er mange spændende præsentationer at glæde sig til. Tilmeld dig allerede nu, så du ikke går glip af denne spændende konference.

Kontoret er åbent hele sommeren. 

Vi ønsker alle DataFlexére en rigtig god sommer. 

Mange hilsner

DataFlex Newsletter May

Dear all

Spring is at its peak and summer vacation is just around the corner. But before that, it is a pleasure to announce the following :=)

Beta release 2 of DataFlex 2023 can be downloaded here. In this release we find two new smart features:

  • Collapsible WebList Group
    • Data in lists can now be grouped and collapsed
  • Resizable Columns in Grid Layout
    • An alternative method for layout of a web panel. I.e. alternative to the piColumnIndex / piColumnSpan method

At the same time the FlexTron component is updated. Flextron is a control that can integrate web panels into Windows containers or even an entire web app inside a Windows application.

Flextron can be used to spice up a Windows interface or to gradually migrate a Windows app to the web. This video briefly shows how Flextron can be implemented.

DataFlex Reports 8.2 (2023) has been released and can be downloaded at the following link. No new codes are needed in this release.

A few new features: Adjusted text options so that horizontal text strings have been extended. It is also possible to replace existing page layouts in a report – read more here.

You can chat via DataFlex with ChatGBT

Mike Peat from Unicorn Interglobal is a like child at play. And now he has combined 2-3 APIs to create a DataFlex WebApp that you can converse with.

Our very own Johan Broddfelt introduced “Flexie” (a talking DataFlex App, apparently female) for the first time at SCANDUC 2021 in Copenhagen. It inspired Mike Peat from Unicorn to improve Flexie’s intelligence by connecting DataFlex to chatGPT. Read more about Mike’s reflections at this link (highly recommended :=).

Don’t forget to click on our “Discovering DataFlex videos” – a youtube channel for inspiration and learning done in the best way by Johan Broddfelt. He welcomes suggestions for topics for new videos and can be contacted at the following email:

Kind regards
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Newsletter April

Dear all

DataFlex version 2023 is now in Beta 1.

In the upcoming 2023 release there is a new Web Grid Layout, which is worth taking a closer look at. It is a new panel layout system that is now available for web applications. It gives more control over the vertical placement of your controls. The Grid Layout is based on CSS Grid Layout, which is a W3C standard.

Another new feature will be that cWebList now supports grouping of data. When enabled, the user can select the groups via the context menu. Read more about the new features, which are currently being tested by developers from all over the world.

To get started with DataFlex 2023:
– Download DataFlex 2023 Beta 1
– Watch the What’s New in DataFlex 2023 (pre-release) Learning Center course
– Read the What’s New in DataFlex 2023 – Beta 1 section of the documentation
– Share your experience and feedback in the testing forum.

DataFlex Reports 2023 has been released. The following news and adjustments can be found in the new version:
– It is now possible to align the text (center, right or left)
– It is now also possible to use a customized page layer in a report.
– DataFlex Reports 2023 can be downloaded here at the following link.

SCANDUC 2023 is well over and can be described as a success. We have received very positive feedback on both the content and the conference. All Powerpoints can be downloaded on the SCANDUC website.

In the following newsletters we will write about one of the presentations at SCANDUC. And we will start with Johan Broddfelt’s presentation of his Datepicker, which he has also made a video about – click on this link. Let the video speak for itself.



DataFlex Newsletter

Dear all

March is just around the corner and according to the calendar it is spring even though the weather is not quite showing signs of spring – it is still cold. But then you can warm yourself with the fact that we are holding the Scandinavian DataFlex Users’ Conference – SCANDUC in 2 weeks. :=D

Last call for registrations this week. Hurry up!

We can now present a program packed with news presented by the team behind Data Access, as well as inspiring presentations from selected participants. For only 510€ you get two full conference days and a surprise dinner on Thursday evening with all the trimmings.

DataFlex 2023 has just been released in “alpha 2”.

Come to SCANDUC and learn what DataFlex 2023 contains of new features. Among others SQL Code Sense and FlexTron – read more about new features here.

In addition, existing good DataFlex components will be reviewed. You can read more about these useful and ready-to-use components in your DataFlex developme:

DataFlex QR Barcode Scanner​

This standalone component allows you to scan both one- and two-dimensional codes using handheld and mobile devices, which then relays the information directly to your DataFlex web app.

Graphic Library

This “ready to go” component allows for the display of images in your own apps, in almost all popular formats (GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, BMP and more). Examples that can be applied to the images can be seen on the following link.

Code Jock special offer:

As a DataFlex programmer, there is a special offer that you might want to consider if you already use or plan to use Code Jock for your Windows applications.

30% discount for DataFlex developers who purchase a new Suite Pro license.
Discount Code: DATAFLEX!!
End Date: None

DataFlex developers who already have their own Codejock license get a special 50% upgrade discount by purchasing a new Suite Pro license.

Discount Code: NOWBETTER
End Date: 30-JUN-2023

Can be ordered on the CodeJock online store.


Johan Broddfelt has posted a new video after a long break. Don’t miss this video.

Next newsletter will come at the end of March after SCANDUC, where we will write about selected presentations shown at the conference.

Kind regards
FrontIoT ApS

SCANDUC now open for registration

Dear DataFlexer’s

It is a pleasure to announce the 2023 edition of the SCANDUC conference that will be held at the Scandic Falkoner hotel on March 16th and 17th this year.

SCANDUC 2023 will be packed with presentations of new features of the next version of DataFlex v23 but also many more new exciting stuff to show. Here is a list of topics to be presented at SCANDUC. The highlights are:

  • Flextron. Fit a full-blown web UI inside your Windows applications with FlexTron.
  • Docker used for efficient software development
  • Package Manager
  • DataFlex Reports v22
  • and lots of very exciting stuff that you won’t miss….

The final agenda will be announced shortly.

On Wednesday March 15th we will have 2 training sessions. In the morning Bram Niejkamp of Data Access will guide you through how to set up a build server and testing. In the afternoon Vincent Oorsprong (also Data Access) will show how to make wizards with Flextron. Both trainings are ½ day so you can choose both for only 150€ incl. lunch and coffee.

There is also time for mingling and social events like the surprise evening which always has a twist of something special. Do not wait too long before registering because there are limited seats available. SCANDUC is a small conference which makes it very special.

Hope to see you in Copenhagen.

Best regards
The SCANDUC team 

DataFlex Christmas news

Dear all,  

This year’s last letter from FrontIoT which starts with a Christmas rumor. 🎄It is said that there is a DataFlex 2023 alpha 1 on the way. Here in the office, we are looking forward to it. Keep an eye on the Data Access newsletter Flexlinks. If you are not registered, it can be done on Data Access’ website
Microsoft Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 are now supported by DataFlex 2022. Read more here.  

DataFlex About & Sysinfo Library. Get an overview of all system information about your DataFlex Windows project. Read more here (for version 2021 and 2022). 

Drag & drop treeview library now available for DataFlex 2021 and 2022 – read more here

Remember to keep an eye on the new video courses at DataFlex Learning center. 
Last released: how to use web technology in its Windows applications. WebView2 in DataFlex.

Some news from the other Channel Partners.
Mike Peat has spent some time diving into the GraphQL world, he will see how it can be used with DataFlex. On the following link to Unicorn’s website, he has documented what he got out of this dive. Mike’s initial work here will help you further if you are considering using GraphQL in the future. 

Remember that we will hold SCANDUC on 16 and 17 March in Copenhagen and classes on 15 March. More about the conference will follow in the next newsletter – where it will also be possible to sign up.
We would like to conclude by wishing our customers and partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From all of us in FrontIoT
Mikkel, Therese, Johan, Klaus, Charlotte

DataFlex Newsletter October

Dear all,

We have the great pleasure of announcing that the Scandinavian DataFlex Users Conference (SCANDUC) 2023 will be held on March 16-17 at Hotel Scandic Falkoner in Frederiksberg, so remember to mark the calendar already now. We have pushed the date to spring so that it is possible to experience an early spring in Denmark. One of the main points will be the presentation of DataFlex 2023.  In the future, DataAccess will, as far as possible, only use the year as the version number for DataFlex in the final release. This is primarily to avoid confusion with version updates. 

While we wait for DataAccess to lift a sliver of DataFlex 2023, we have collected various libraries for DataFlex 2021 and 2022 from DataAccess to download “Free of Charge”

DataFlex Date & Time Library
DataFlex Printing Library
DataFlex Printer Driver Analyzer

Finally, we would like to quote Allan Greis Eriksen, Chief Developer from Novax A/S – after he had looked carefully at DataFlex version 20.x:

“Something happened with runtime! Specifically, the string variables now are native UTF-8. Super feature! Praise to the fact that the source files also are stored in UTF-8. It makes integration to Git and Azure DevOps nicer. For example, æøåÆØÅ in the comments boxes are still intact – Great that the studio has Dark Theme!”

The next newsletter will come in November where we can hopefully take a closer look at 2023.

FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Newsletter August

Dear all,

Now summer has come to an end, and for many the holidays are coming to an end. We are back at the office, and we are looking forward to an autumn with lots of good DataFlex projects.

Data Access has released small releases in the summer listed below:

We have now hired our intern Mikkel Vig and he will now be part of our DataFlex team – Welcome to Mikkel 👍

Johan Broddfelt has made a video on request from his faithful viewers – watch it at the following link.

In our next newsletter, we will write about an exciting case story that we are currently working on.

FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex newsletter June

Dear All

EDUC 2022 is over – two canceled EDUC events preceded this event and no one could know if a third cancellation would be necessary. Fortunately, this did not happen and EDUC 2022 was a huge success with a large number of participants and a conference program that, both technically and on a more social level, brought togetherness and presentations of a future-proof super optimized product: the development tool DataFlex.

We, hereby,  bring a collection of photos from EDUC at the following link. Please do not miss Johan Broddfelt’s Flexie At EDUC 22 as one of the last presentations at the conference.

All EDUC presentations have been filmed and will be posted on the DataFlex Learning Center over the next few weeks. Participants at EDUC can log in with Global ID and watch the presentations online for free. It is also possible for non EDUC participants to watch the presentations online for a fee of 50 € per presentation or 150 € for all presentations. We can highly recommend seeing them. As John Hartley, Freedom IT enthusiastically stated after his participation:

I am sure that the enthusiasm and motivation that spread to me over the 2 days the EDUC conference lasted, will over the next few years continue to be contagious across the community and beyond.. 
– John Hartley, Freedom IT and consultant at FrontIoT.  

EDUC 2024 will be held in the city of Split, Croatia. Co-organizer will be Peter Bragg from Care-Data UK. Congratulations! We are already looking forward to it.

Something other than EDUC has happened since our last newsletter – below are releases of DataFlex utilities:

News Release:
DataFlex DataPump:
The latest release of DataPump is 64bit and supports Unicode. DataPump can give DataFlex systems that still run on embedded Database (for new developers it is a database that comes with DataFlex) access to BI tools and Excel or a routine migration of the embedded data to an MSSQL database – Read more here.

Graphic Library for DataFlex 2022: With the graphic library attached to your Workspace, you can view images in many popular formats (BMP, ICO, GIF, JPG, EXF, PNG, TIFF, WMF and EMF) read more about the news at the following link

Do not forget to keep yourself up-to date on:
DataFlex Learning Center
Johans Broddfelts Videos
DataAccess website
FrontIoT’s website

Best regards
FrontIoT ApS