Last chance for SCANDUC

Dear Everyone,

We are approaching the SCANDUC conference in Copenhagen on December 2nd and 3rd. We can’t wait to meet you all.

Due to Corona has we cut down on the number of participants at the conference. Therefore, you need to make a quick decision and sign up now to secure a seat. Registration can be done here.

We are continuously following the Corona situation on this link.

Remember, SCANDUC  is a small conference where there is oppertunity to meet with DataFlex enthusiasts across skills and age. SCANDUC provides an opportunity to talk to the team behind DataFlex and hear news from Data Access CEO Chip Casanave.

Agenda a now almost in place so click on the link here  and see what you can look forward to :=)

DataFlex deserves so much praise, you do not get a better Fullstack development tool in 2021!

REMEMBER you can still attend this cozy conference – where professionalism is highly valued but were “hygge” also is important. Therefore, we go to Tivoli  and eat in Grøften on Thursday evening. See you  :=)

Many greetings

Scanduc registration is open

SCANDUC 2021 will be held Thursday-Friday December 2nd and 3rd at Hotel DGI Byen in Copenhagen.

And it is now possible to register for this unique event. We have the pleasure of declaring SCANDUC open for registration.

SCANDUC will be packed with technical presentations of new features in DataFlex presented by the competent team from Data Access. Also look forward to being inspired by other presentations (also for Windows) by us and our customers.

Below a teaser for what’s in store:

  • Upcoming DataFlex 2022
  • Generating SQL statements
  • DHTMLX Chart Control
  • DataFlex Extensions (LibXL, Graphics Library, Gantt Chart, etc.)
  • Cyper Security
  • and more …

You only pay 510€ for 2 days of conference including dinner and entrance to Tivoli on Thursday evening. For more information and prices click here. Migrating to 64-bit and Unicode – Half-Day Workshop on December 1st – the day before SCANDUC – Read more about this workshop here.

Sincerely, the SCANDUC TEAM

Invitation for DataFlex Conference

“Unicode and 64bit developments are good signs going forwards!!”
Quote from a programmer that returned to DataFlex.

Come and get updated on DataFlex version 20.0 and DataFlex Reports. See smart solutions presented by the developers themselves, hear about security & web and get updated on user management.

SCANDUC is back. December 2 and 3 – this time in Copenhagen at incredibly low accommodation prices.

Where? Hotel DGI byen. Tivoli Gardens, The Central Station and many bars are within walking distance of the hotel.

The website is not yet up and running, but we are working to get it updated as soon as possible. In the next newsletter we will have more details in place. The most important thing now is to save the date in your calendar.

We encourage you to write to Charlotte  regarding agenda proposals for the conference.

We look forward to seeing you at SCANDUC.

Many greetings
FrontIoT  Aps

DataFlex Football Pool

Dear All

We start by inviting you to the DataFlex Football Pool in connection with the UEFA Euro 2020 Football Championship edition on 11 June. Data Access has once again organized this fun game that anyone, with or without football comprehension, can participate in. Click on this video  which introduces you to the rules.

DataFlex Styler – new version. Web developers can now generate themes for the  DataFlex  WebApp  Framework with more subtleties than before. It’s no longer just the colors you can choose. In short,  the DataFlex Styler now lives up to its name more, which you can read more about  here. Data Access has also done an online course on how to use the  DataFlex  Styler – click on the following link.

DataFlex Times is a brand-new initiative from a DataFlexer Simon Coyne from Alicante Software which has offices in Spain and the UK. His idea is to create a  DataFlex  platform with news, Blogs, Tips &Amp; Tricks on  DataFlex. Therefore, we encourage all our customers and programmers to sign up for the newsletter located at the bottom of the so that we can create a dynamic forum for the benefit of current and new DataFlex developers.

DataFlex is right now one of the best development tools in the world and it deserves more publicity! Remember to “like”.

Tip of themonth.
FrontIoT learning videosare a great place to start if you are going to learn how to develop in  DataFlex.

Best regards
FrontIoT ApS

Newsletter April 2021

There is a lot of good news to write about this time. Spring has come and despite a slow start with the temperature here in April, spring is underway.

DataFlex 2021 the Power of Lean Code was launched, as most people probably know, on March 17 with an Online Product Launch hosted by Data Access. Here, the most important news in DataFlex 2021 was presented directly by the developers behind DataFlex. If you missed this unique event it can be enjoyed at the following link which is a 3 hour long video. This is a long time, so we link to different parts that we would recommend.

DataFlex 2021 is unicode throughout. Harm Wieber, Data Access Europe gives a technical presentation on unicode and DataFlex which can be seen here in the presentation  “Normalization”.

We can also highly recommend five short presentations of smart features in DataFlex 2021 which are presented here by Henri Reterink and Bram Nijenkamp, DataAccess BV.

1) cWebTagsForm
2) cWebHtmlList
3) Dynamic Objects
4) Geolocation API
5) Dark Theme

DataFlex 2021 is the version that carries your applications forward and future-proofs them. If you need guidance or help with the 2021 update, please feel free to contact us.

The F1 help for DataFlex is now online and significantly improved – check out the following link. Here’s almost everything you need to know about DataFlex. Both as a beginner and a seasoned programmer.

As always, we can recommend our videos Casual Conversations  and as something new Johan Broddfelt has started discovering DataFlex in his ongoing series:  “Discovering DataFlex”

Best Regards

DataFlex 2021 product launch 10 March

Dear All

It is a great pleasure to announce dataflex 2021 release. On this occasion, we invite you to a free online product LAUNCH on Wednesday 17 March at 15:00 – 18:00.

Data Access’s team of skilled developers will present “live” all new features in DataFlex 2021. The product has undergone fundamental improvements and innovations, and now appears as a totally advanced full-stack development tool for web and mobile applications. A new DataFlex era has begun.

Se videoen “Whats New in DataFlex 2021”

As something new, a well-known Dutch “Art Director” whom Data Access Worldwide has put on the task, Mr Robbert Dirksen, will talk about his journey through DataFlex’s ecosystem with his branding glasses and his subsequent conclusion. This presentation will be shown on Wednesday and is hereby highly recommended.

If you have been developing in DataFlex for many years or have you just been introduced to the product, then join the product launch. See you in Cyberspace.

Sign up for Launch – There are limited number of seats.

Many greetings
FrontIoT  ApS

January newsletter

Dear everyone

Happy New Year!! I don’t think that can be said too often in these times.

DataFlex 2020 (2021) Beta 3 can be downloaded at the following  link. Despite Covid-19 and isolation, Data Access has worked hard on the development of the new generation of  DataFlex. And we can expect a release within the next few months. Despite Beta, several of our customers, including ourselves, are already developing in 2020/21.

We can recommend our Thursday video just released on YouTube. Here Johan talks to Albin Visén from Prosmart AB in Sweden about current migration of their entire ERP system to DataFlex version 2020 (2021). It is an exciting and inspiring talk that you can have great pleasure and inspiration from listening to. Thank you to Albin for his contribution. If there are any questions, please contact Albin

Redaction Library for web applications.
Data Acces has built a new layer of security into DataFlex 2021. In order that the same security features will benefit earlier versions, Data Access has developed ‘Redaction  Library’ for web versions  18.2 and 19.1. For more information and download click on the following link.

5 good suggestions on what mistakes many make when they develop in DataFlex WebApps. Another informative video posted on the  DataFlex learning page. We recommended to watch it.

A good story continues…
Our story in the previous newsletter about how quickly a system was developed in DataFlex for use in addressing a ministerial institution in a very necessary situation. This has generated so much attention that Data Access Worldwide has written about it. Read about it at the following link – it’s (also) a good story.

We will be able to provide a newsletter shortly, where we will take a closer look at the new features of the upcoming DataFlex version 2021.

Many greetings
FrontIoT  ApS

December newsletter

Dear all

This is our penultimate newsletter this year. We hope all our customers and business associates are in good health.

DataFlex 2021 beta 2 is released and can be downloaded at the following  link. Data Access has made a  video that describes how to get the most out of the new version that they have renamed for 2021.

A good story.  Maybe you haven’t really thought about how effective the development tool you’re actually working with is. We can tell a story about a great need for help in developing an IT solution in an emergency using DataFlex.

As a result of Corona, an urgent need arose last month from one of the ministerial institutions in Denmark to develop a system for recording some much-needed processes. As it would take an unnecessarily long time with internal procedures and the desperation was great. Therefore, Sture Aps and FrontIoT jointly offered to develop a system in a very short time. In fact, we developed a fully functioning system in DataFlex, running on a SQL Server, in less than 12 hours. Interested parties can read more about the details at this link.

DataFlex is LEAN, DataFlex is full-stack-development tool. We love DataFlex and proud of this story that you are welcome to tell further. We look forward to 2021!

“Casual Conversations” We have in recent months made videos with the common title “Casual Conversations“, which we have uploaded on Facebook and  Youtube. We have also invited selected programmers of our customers for an interview with Johan Broddfelt. And lastly Unicorn, the UK DataFlex Channel partner, has included the videos in their newsletter.

Also, remember to stay up to date with the DataFlex Learning Center, where new videos are uploaded on an ongoing basis. .

If you have any questions about DataFlex or need consultancy help – please contact us. We are happy to help or find the help that fits.

FrontIoT ApS

FrontIoT Autumn News

Dear all

Here is some autumn news.

DataFlex 2020 Beta 1 has been released:

Last week, the release of beta 1 was announced by Data Access. We encourage all our DataFlex developers in Scandinavia to download and test the Beta 1 build of DataFlex 2020. It is now possible to test the new 64-bit and Unicode features with your own applications. We hope you will spend some time testing it so that any bugs can be reported to Data Access at the following link.

Mike Peat from Unicorn has written a blog about rest’s importance to APIs.. With his usual sharp attention to detail, Mike gives an insight into RESTFUL’s importance to the API and with sample code he shows how it can be done. You will get an “aha” experience by reading more about REST at the link below:

New YouTube channel
FrontIoT, like all companies, was for a long period shut down for active attendance in the office. We are, however, back again, but these online meetings inspired us to record videos of an informal chat between Johan Broddfelt and Klaus Berthelsen, about various IT topics and which are not necessarily of a technical nature. The idea is to make this – a platform – where other developers are also welcome to participate.

Join our YouTube channel  and be notified every time a new video is released about once a week. The more people signed up and “likes” the better.

Unfortunately, we still cannot invite to SCANDUC, our Scandinavian developer conference, which will normally be held at the end of November. There is also a uncertainty about  the EDUC, the European Conference, announced to be held spring 2021, but instead moved to sometime after the summer 2021.

Remember! Data Access continuously uploads new online courses and product news on the  DataFlex Learning Page..

Many autumn greetings

Summer letter

Dear all

The summer is now at its peak, but the weather does not quit reflect that. That is why this newsletter will contain good ideas and links for inspiration to what you can use a rainy or two for in the company with DataFlex.

Klaus recommends this video:
This video should be mandatory for all who develop Web applications. The title ‘Process Pooling’ covers a comprehensive review of how the Webb App server works. Special focus is on ‘All that can go wrong if you don’t get it reight’.

Johan Broddfelt recommends this video:
“What makes web application development a lot more fun is that you can design your own components only limited by your own imagination. That is why I recommends this video that shows how you can build your own components and in this way expand the flexibility in your DataFlex tool box”.

EDUC online seminar 2020. When the prospect of a cancelation of EDUC 2020became a reality DataAccess in just a forthnight organized an online event with the same agenda and education with speakers from all over the world. All paying participants now had the opportunity to join the on-line seminar and new participants were able to join. An impressive presentation by DataAccess and the success was great!

If you are curious, it is possible to watch the entire event at the following LINK – it will only cost you 150€ and you will get access to the entire seminar. Please contact Charlotte Grønvold for further information and access.

How to set up a live Stream Event: Wouter Olthof, video producer at DataAccess EU, provides in this 14 min. video good advise regarding an on-line event.

With this summer letter we would like to wish all our customers and business partners a really good summer. In the next newsletter we will write about DataFlex Reports 2020, which will be released as ‘Technical preview’. This first version can now run in a 64 bit environment with Unicode data – look forward to this.

Kind regards,
FrontIoT ApS