DataFlex newsletter September

Dear all

It’s autumn and the nights are getting darker. So it’s time to dive into the DataFlex code and start looking forward to hearing about all the news the DataAccess team is showcasing at the upcoming DataFlex conference on 10 & 11 October in Split, Croatia EDUC 2024

We can already reveal that the conference will be packed with super topical and technical presentations from Data Access’s TechStack portfolio. This ambitious project will replace the current Win32 base with an OS-independent new technology stack. In the future, you will be able to run your DataFlex applications on Windows, Linux or even Mac OS. It is not without reason that the theme is; ‘DataFlex to New Horizons’. You can experience this up close and personal in Split. Read more about the conference at this link

Charlotte will, true to tradition, provide a drink at the bar :=)

The workshops (which this time are all-day) take place in the days leading up to the conference – Tuesday 9 October and Wednesday 10 October. You can choose between Secure with DataFlex, Drill down App, or Build customisable dashboards – read more here.

To register for EDUC click here. Or contact Therese, she will be happy to help you get registered correctly.

We have chosen to feature a success story about how one DataFlex developer helps another DataFlex developer with a solution of great benefit to the company.

Carsten Trolle from Løgstrup A/S has given us this story:

Løgstrup Steel had a challenge distributing updates to their LogCalc application (DataFlex Windows). The application is used by their customers and partners and is based on local databases that need to be synchronised regularly (both ways), both the content and the table definitions and the application itself. Carsten therefore contacted Nils Svedmyr, RDC Tools. He had heard about DUF via the DataFlex Forum.

Nils has developed the Database Update Framework (DUF), which is a tool for robust and secure updating of applications and databases on remote installations. Based on this, he has created a solution for Løgstrup Steel that solves the challenge – listed below:

Multiple data folders that can be set up/modified by the end user. Both for the embedded database and for the SQL database.

– Automated updating of data, files and programmes using a secure FTP server to download new files and/or data to be added to the existing database.

– Automatic database update that automatically changes the structure of the database on remote installation sites.

Read more on our website at this link

Carsten Trolle says:

‘It has saved a huge amount of time maintaining this application, not only for Løgstrup, but especially for our customers.’

You can meet Carsten at the EDUC 2024 conference in Split in October 😊

We’d love to hear from others with great stories.

Sincerely yours
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Newsletter June

Dear everyone

It’s midsummer and the holidays are just around the corner. Many good things are happening this summer, the European Football Championships, the Olympics and the Tour de France, but maybe also an upcoming DataFlex 24.1 release…?

The DataFlex Conference EDUC 2024 is now open for registrations. Remember ‘Early Bird’. If you register before 30 June, you can save money. This year’s conference will be held in Split, an ancient and historic city located in Croatia right on the Adriatic Sea. Read more about EDUC at this link, where you can also keep up to date with the agenda.

Flextron has its own support forum. Flextron is a technology that bridges the gap between Windows applications and Web applications. This means that Flextron makes it possible to use web components or entire web panels in your Windows applications. You can also run a complete web app as a Windows programme (which does not require IIS to be installed). For example, Spotify is based on the same kind of technology. In this video from Data Access North America, you can get an insight into what Flextron can contribute. And here is the link to the Flextron support forum.

Price increase on licences
For the first time in many years, Data Access is raising prices on DataFlex licences by approximately 10%, starting 1 July 2024. For questions, please contact Charlotte.

Tips from Johan Broddfelt:
When using the DataFlex Online Help and there is something you don’t understand or would like clarification on, you can send an email at the bottom of each page that goes directly to the support team at Data Access and you will always get an answer!

Wishing you a great summer
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Newsletter May

Dear all

Summer is just around the corner and good things are in store. The European Football Championship is about to start and as always, DataAccess is ready with DataFlex Football Pool, which you can read more about and sign up for at this link. Remember that you can invite friends, family or neighbours – everyone is welcome. As long as they want to join in the guessing game. The winner will receive a dinner for 2 at a restaurant of their choice.

Improved DataFlex LibXL Library released
DataFlex LibXL Library version 1.9.0 for DataFlex 2024 (and earlier) is now available for download.

With DataFlex LibXL Library you can read, generate and modify spreadsheets in DataFlex without having to install Excel or other spreadsheet software!

This new version is updated to the latest LibXL DLL (version and most changes are bug fixes. The version can be downloaded at the following link.

EDUC 2024 in Croatia 10-11 October with workshop on 8 & 9 October. Programme and registration will open soon – be sure to bookmark the link to EDUC.

Charlotte Grønvold, FrontIoT and Nick Nikijuluw, DataAccess, have been on a 3-day customer road trip in Sweden visiting new and old customers. We started in Stockholm and drove all the way down to Helsingborg. Besides the great experience of driving through this beautiful country, it is just as great a pleasure to visit DataFlex customers who take the time to talk to us about the business and DataFlex. Meeting face-to-face is still something different than online. Next time we’ll take a trip around Denmark.

Remember that there is a lot of information available at the DataFlex Learning Centre.

Best regards
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex 24 released

Dear all

Spring is on its way and Easter is just around the corner – and we have the great pleasure to announce that DataFlex 2024 has been released and can be downloaded at the following link.

A few new features are listed below:

Greater flexibility with enhanced Data Dictionary features – webContainer controls can now contain their own DDO structure, providing greater flexibility for your projects.

Improved security in encrypted connections – which is also the recommendation of the month by Klaus Berthelsen; this update makes it possible to encrypt the communication between the SPLF master server and the underlying WEB-App Severs. This makes it possible to add extra separation between the DMZ and LAN zone in a network. The individual nodes can also be configured with individual encryption tokens, which further increases the security strength. Klaus is very excited about this security enhancement.

More news can be read at the following link.

The DataFlex Learning Centre demonstrates the new features in detail click HERE.

Remember that the license codes have already been sent out, if you have not received them, please let Therese know.

Update of older versions

Updated versions of DataFlex 19.1, 20.1 and 23.0 have also been released. Programs translated with these versions of DataFlex are currently at risk of being marked as “infected” by Microsoft Defender (commonly used antivirus software). This update prevents this.
Read more here.

In the next newsletter, we will write about the upcoming European DataFlex Users Conference (EDUC) to be held in Split, Croatia on 10 and 11 October.

Kind regards
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Newsletter February

Dear all

It’s already February and we’re halfway through winter. The light is returning and we start
by …

… in good time to announce that the DataFlex EDUC 2024 conference will be held in Split, Croatia on the 10th and 11th of October. There will be workshop trainings 2 days before (i.e. 8 and 9 October). Mark your calendars and keep an eye on the conference website, which will be updated as plans are finalized.

DataFlex 2024 Release Candidate (RC) has been released for final testing. You can read about the news here. Please note that DataFlex 2024 RC requires licence codes in the same way as the full release. We will send them out to our DataFlex customers with renewal licenses.

DataFlex Reports v2024 beta 2 is available for download for testing. For more information – click on the following link. New codes will be sent out for version 2024 when it is released.

Important information about Microsoft Defender and DataFlex 19.1 or higher
Microsoft Defender is an antivirus programme that runs on almost all servers and many PCs and receives regular updates from Microsoft.

Since an update in late December, DataFlex programs (translated by DF Studio) have been flagged as virus-infected and quarantined. Currently, you have to ask MS Defender to refrain from scanning the programme folder.

Data Access has fixed this in the upcoming DataFlex version 2024 and is currently testing a fix for DataFlex versions 19.1, 20.0, 20.1 and 23.0. As soon as testing is finalized, these updates will be made available.

Recommendation of the month: Git and version control in DataFlex.

“The video ‘Efficient version control with Git in DataFlex’ covers the essentials as well as some advanced features, making it perfect for junior developers like myself who want to improve their version control skills quickly.”
Mikkel Vig, Junior Programmer at FrontIoT

Best regards
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex – Christmas letter

Dear all

Christmas is just around the corner, so this is the last newsletter of the year. DataAccess has released the first beta version of DataFlex 2024 and you can’t help but get into the Christmas spirit.

DataFlex 2024 Beta1 gives you a taste of the latest technologies to come (despite being a “minor” update).

Below, three DataFlex senior programmers have commented on a few points they find interesting in DataFlex v2024 Beta1.

 Unleash your creativity with dynamic vector drawing (cWebDrawing.pkg)
“I’m really looking forward to working with SVG in DataFlex.” Especially to see how this simplifies the way we create cool, customised visual interfaces in our applications. I’ve used SVG in a few projects so far, using css and Javascript. But the new feature in DataFlex can potentially make that process much easier” – Johan Broddfelt

Empower your applications with enhanced security using SPLF encryption
“The security of the DataFlex WebApp has been taken up a notch. The SPLF concept, which already helps to significantly increase security by isolating the WebApp from the Internet, now has encrypted communication between the SPLF server and the Web server. If a hacker were to penetrate your DMZ zone, the communication to the web server cannot be used to get further in” – Klaus Berthelsen

If you’ve forgotten what SPLF stands for, here’s a link: SPLF – What does it stand for?

Multiple DataDictionary structures
“In DataFlex 24.0 (beta) we can now have multiple independent sets of DataDictionary objects within a single view. Containers (cWebGroup, cWebCard) can have their own “private” DDO structure and associated Main_DD value. Simple and elegant. ATTENTION. If you run the WebOrder example and select “Multi DDO Structure” from the “Demo” menu you can see a nice example of this” – Sture Andersen
Get an insight into the future DataFlex – download version 2024 Beta1

FrontIoT is developing an app for Denmark’s largest food waste organisation.
Read more about the concept at the following link: Stop Spild Lokalt. The app is developed in DataFlex and is being tested by various volunteers who are affiliated with Stop Spild Lokalt around the country. The DataFlex licenses are sponsored by Data Access – BIG THANK YOU to them. We will keep you updated on this fantastic project.

We wish all our customers and partners a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Many Christmas greetings
Frontiot ApS

DataFlex – News from Synergt

Kære alle

Dette nyhedsbrev vil omhandle Synergy konferencen i Louisville USA, der blev afholdt den 21.- 22. september plus forudgående træningssessioner.

Konferencen var spækket med gode præsentationer og vi vendte hjem med inspiration og lyst til at få de mange smarte features implementeret i vores applikationer.

Nye features i DataFlex 2023 blev demonstreret og vi bed navnlig mærke i FlexTron-teknologien, der gør det muligt at integrere web-kontroller i et Windows-program. Fordelene er:

    • Nye muligheder for udformning af Windows dialoger
    • Deling af kode mellem Windows og web-applikationer
    • Gradvis migrering af Windows funktionalitet til web
    • Man kan gå all-in og skrive hele sin Windows app udelukkende med web-interface. Et antal kommercielle programmer gør dette: Teams og Spotify.

Læs mere om FlexTron teknologien her.

DataFlex 2023 indeholder en ny cSQLExecutor klasse til eksekvering af embedded SQL og denne returnerer resultatet 5 gange hurtigere end eksisterende metoder. Desuden er Studiet blevet “SQL aware” idet embedded SQL kode kan testes direkte fra kode-editoren.

Der er mange mange andre nyheder i DataFlex 2023 og du kan se videopræsentation af nyhederne i DataFlex 2023 eller læse om det i online hjælpen.

Desuden så vi præsentationer af planerne med DataFlex værktøjet på kort og længere sigt.

Mere grafik i Studiet kommer til at ændre den måde man udvikler applikationer på.
Bram Nijenkamp fra Data Access viste hvordan fremtidens Studio vil kunne præsentere og manipulere flere informationer på grafisk form. F. eks. kalde-strukturen i en webapp, altså hvilke views, der kalder hvilke andre views. Eller relationerne i en database.

Project (DF Auto)
Desuden så vi en tidlig prototype på hvordan Studiet vil kunne understøtte en meget mere dynamisk måde at udvikle apps på. Det sker gennem en mere grafisk orienteret brugerflade, og projektet har fået navnet DFAuto.

Package Manager
Sideløbende med Studiet arbejder Data Access på en package manager. Denne vil på et tidspunkt blive bygget ind i Studiet og vil bl.a. gøre det nemt at sikre at man benytter nyeste version af libraries i sine apps. Den vil være et centralt sted for library distribution, versionsstyring samt generering af alle workspace relaterede filer.

Multi platform (DataFlex Tech stack)
I de sidste mange år har vi kun kunne kompilere DataFlex til Windows executables. Men på sigt vil nye versioner også kunne kompilere til Unix, Linux og WebAssembly (et binært format der kan afvikles af alle browsere).

Det sidste fik vi demonstreret i konferencens agenda app. Denne er skrevet i DataFlex og kompileret til WebAssembly (og er altså ikke en traditionel WebApp). Så snart appen er startet kan man slukke for netværket. Den kører komplet offline.

Dette er altså noget af det der er i pipe-linen for de næste versioner og noget vi glæder os til at høre mere om på de kommende DataFlex konferencer. 

I er velkomne til at kontakte os for spørgsmål.

Venlig hilsen
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex Conference in the USA

Dear all

The US DataFlex conference – Synergy 2023 will, this year, be held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, on 20-21 September with a workshop two days prior to that. The agenda has now been published and you can look forward to it. The team behind DataFlex will be present to showcase the latest features in DataFlex version 2023 and give their take on the future of DataFlex. We have listed a few examples from the agenda:

Windows App 2.0: How do you make your Windows applications look more modern? How do I share components between my Windows and web applications? How do I get started with a gradual migration from Windows to web? Flextron, discussed in this presentation, is the answer to all these questions.

SQL Improvements: This presentation focuses on the improvements to embedded SQL that have come in the form of the new cSqlExecutor class.

Tech Stack: A look into the future – in this presentation Harm will give you an insight into how DataFlex, once again, will transform the way you develop your applications!

DF Auto: The team behind DataFlex has been at it for a while and with this presentation will showcase new Studio features they are working on.

For pricing and registration click this link. Agenda click here.

Charlotte is happy to help with the administrative aspects of registration. You can fly from Copenhagen directly to Chicago and from there to Louisville – possibly by bus.

We look forward to meeting DataFlexers from all over the world and hanging out with the DataAccess Team. A tip: if you invite someone from the Data Access development team for a drink, you can count on getting great tips about DataFlex and if you finish your drink, we guarantee they’ll buy you another :=)

See you in Louisville.
FrontIoT ApS

DataFlex 2023 Released

Dear all 

Below is information from Data Access regarding the release of DataFlex 2023.

We are incredibly pleased to inform you that DataFlex 2023 has been released and is available for download now! 

As a current DataFlex subscriber, you are entitled to receive the update to this version. The update requires a registration code, which you have received. Download DataFlex 2023 here

About DataFlex 2023 
DataFlex 2023 adds new possibilities for Windows and Web applications. FlexTron enables interchanging of technologies by seamlessly integrating Web UI with Windows apps. The Web Grid layout offers ultimate designer-freedom, and the SQLExecutor brings ease and performance to those that need it. Plus, numerous other new features and enhancements to boost app-performance, developer-productivity and end-user-satisfaction! 

Discover DataFlex 2023
See what DataFlex 2023 has to offer: 

Join our YouTube Livestream on July 6th, Discovering DataFlex 2023! 
See the new features on the What’s New in DataFlex 2023 page 
Watch Harm demonstrating new features in this DataFlex Learning Center Course 

Thank you for your continued use of our products! 

Best Regards, 
Team DataFlex 

DataFlex Newsletter June

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DataFlex 23.0 er nu udgivet som “Release Candidate”, der kan downloades på linket længere nede i teksten. Med den kan man foretage en generalprøve på sine egne applikationer, da denne version forventeligt er identisk med den endelige version.

I tidligere nyhedsbreve har vi skrevet om nyhederne men for lige at genopfriske, har vi listet dem nedenfor: 

  • FlexTron
  • Embedded SQL API
  • Web Grid Layout
  • WebList Grouping
  • Aligned Multiline Strings

Følgende link er en detaljeret beskrivelse af de forskellige nyheder.

Der er gode og effektive forbedringer at mærke i udviklingsmiljøet, så tøv ikke med at få migreret din applikation til version 23.0. 

Version 23 kræver at nye licenskoder indtastes. Derfor sender vi nye koder ud så snart Data Access har frigivet den endelige release af DataFlex 2023.  

DataFlex Release Candidate kan downloades her og fungerer som en evaluering “evaluerings-licens”. Vi opfordrer til at downloade RC allerede nu og være med til final testing. 

SYNERGY 2023 – 21. & 22. September afholdes af Data Access North America Louisville i staten Kentucky, USA.  Registreringen er nu åben. Agenda og training information er begyndt at blive tilføjet, der er mange spændende præsentationer at glæde sig til. Tilmeld dig allerede nu, så du ikke går glip af denne spændende konference.

Kontoret er åbent hele sommeren. 

Vi ønsker alle DataFlexére en rigtig god sommer. 

Mange hilsner