Vi og vor samarbejdspartner Sture ApS har, i samarbejde med Fødevarestyrelsen egne programmører, udviklet er række mindre systemer til Fødevarestyrelsen, som gør hverdagen nemmere for en lang række af deres medarbejdere. Se nedenstående udtalelse fra Fødevarestyrelsen.

Disse systemer er udviklet i DataFlex.

We are very proud of the following quote from
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration:

“We would not be where we are today, had it not been for DataFlex. The applications
based on DataFlex facilitated the payment for 6,500 recipients totaling DKK 4 billion. This is not
only due to fast and competent consultancy, but also an efficient development environment in DataFlex, which has been able to support our wishes for the applications. DataFlex has supported
our agile approach in the development work, and we have therefore saved both time and costs.
We have ended up with a very satisfactory result of high quality and with very satisfied users”
Head of Division for the Compensations Unit Merete Roos – April 2022

Here is a link to a case story.

Udviklingen af dette produkt skulle gå utroligt hurtigt pga udefra kommende faktorer. Read more about the case here.