Shipments IT system
The Shipments system is a lightweight web interface to streamline the business process between Blue Water Shipping (BWS) and their customers.
It is updated with relevant data from the internal systems several times a day. This adds an additional layer of security and provides an external access point for their customers and partners to manage and communicate about the Shipments.
The system also contains an integration with a tracking system that provides real time data about shipping containers and their positions.
Developed using DataFlex Mobile Web Framework.
SplitShip ERP system
This system is integrated with customer systems to manage orders and status changes in real time. One of the key features is that it can handle pallets in a shipment individually. Which allows stores to put pallets on hold, resend pallets to the warehouse and even send pallets to other stores independently of what shipment they were originally ordered on.
One of the important features of the system is the KPI dashboard that displays carrier performance and different reason codes for what are the major causes of delays for different carriers and regions.
Developed using DataFlex Desktop Web Framework.